Source code for sage_analysis.example_plots

#!/usr/bin/env python
Here we show a myriad of functions that can be used to plot properties calculated from the
**SAGE** output.

We refer to :doc:`../user/plot` for more information on how plotting is handled.

Authors: (Jacob Seiler, Manodeep Sinha)

from typing import List

import matplotlib
# Make the plotting scripts function without a
# valid DISPLAY variable -- MS 17/03/2020

import numpy as np  # noqa: E402
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt  # noqa: E402

import sage_analysis.observations as obs  # noqa: E402
from sage_analysis.model import Model  # noqa: E402
from sage_analysis.plot_helper import PlotHelper  # noqa: E402

[docs]def plot_SMF( models: List[Model], snapshots: List[List[int]], plot_helper: PlotHelper, plot_sub_populations: bool = False ) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure: """ Plots the stellar mass function for the specified models. Parameters ---------- models : List of :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` class instance Models that will be plotted. These instances contain the properties necessary to create the plot, accessed via ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["property_name"]``. snapshots : nested list of ints The snapshots to be plotted for each :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` in ``models``. The length of the outer list **MUST** be equal to the length of ``models``. For each model, the stellar mass function of all snapshots are plotted on the figure. plot_helper : :py:class:`~sage_analysis.plot_helper.PlotHelper` A helper class that contains attributes and methods to assist with plotting. In particular, the path where the plots will be saved and the output format. Refer to :doc:`../user/plot_helper` for more information on how to initialize this class and its use. plot_sub_populations : Boolean, default False If ``True``, plots the stellar mass function for red and blue sub-populations. Generates --------- The plot will be saved as "<output_path>1.StellarMassFunction.<output_format>" """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=plot_helper.figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Go through each of the models and plot. for model_num, (model, model_snapshots) in enumerate(zip(models, snapshots)): # Set the x-axis values to be the centre of the bins. bin_widths = model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][1::] - model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][0:-1] bin_middles = model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][:-1] + bin_widths # The SMF is normalized by the simulation volume which is in Mpc/h. normalization_factor = model._volume / pow(model.hubble_h, 3) * bin_widths # Colour will be used for the model, linestyle for the snapshot. color = plot_helper.colors[model_num] label = model.label for snapshot_num, snapshot in enumerate(model_snapshots): ls = plot_helper.linestyles[snapshot_num] norm_SMF =[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["SMF"] / normalization_factor ax.plot( bin_middles, norm_SMF, color=color, ls=ls, label=f"{label} - z = {model._redshifts[snapshot]:.2f} - All", ) if plot_sub_populations: norm_red =[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["red_SMF"] / normalization_factor norm_blue =[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["blue_SMF"] / normalization_factor ax.plot( bin_middles, norm_red, color=color, ls=plot_helper.linestyles[model_num+1], lw=2, label=f"{label} - z = {model._redshifts[snapshot]:.2f} - Red" ) ax.plot( bin_middles, norm_blue, color=color, ls=plot_helper.linestyles[model_num+2], lw=2, label=f"{label} - z = {model._redshifts[snapshot]:.2f} - Blue" ) # For scaling the observational data, we use the values of the zeroth # model. zeroth_hubble_h = models[0].hubble_h zeroth_IMF = models[0].IMF ax = obs.plot_smf_data(ax, zeroth_hubble_h, zeroth_IMF) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\log_{10} M_{\mathrm{stars}}\ (M_{\odot})$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\phi\ (\mathrm{Mpc}^{-3}\ \mathrm{dex}^{-1})$") ax.set_yscale("log", nonpositive="clip") ax.set_xlim([8.0, 12.0]) ax.set_ylim([1.0e-6, 1.0e-1]) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.1)) plot_helper.adjust_legend(ax, location="lower left", scatter_plot=0) fig.tight_layout() output_file = f"{plot_helper.output_path}1.StellarMassFunction.{plot_helper.output_format}" fig.savefig(output_file) print(f"Saved file to {output_file}") plt.close() return fig
[docs]def plot_BMF( models: List[Model], snapshots: List[List[int]], plot_helper: PlotHelper, ) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure: """ Plots the baryonic mass function for the specified models. This is the mass function for the stellar mass + cold gas. Parameters ---------- models : List of :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` class instance Models that will be plotted. These instances contain the properties necessary to create the plot, accessed via ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["property_name"]``. snapshots : nested list of ints The snapshots to be plotted for each :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` in ``models``. The length of the outer list **MUST** be equal to the length of ``models``. For each model, the baryonic mass function of all snapshots are plotted on the figure. plot_helper : :py:class:`~sage_analysis.plot_helper.PlotHelper` A helper class that contains attributes and methods to assist with plotting. In particular, the path where the plots will be saved and the output format. Refer to :doc:`../user/plot_helper` for more information on how to initialize this class and its use. Generates --------- The plot will be saved as "<output_path>2.BaryonicMassFunction.<output_format>" """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=plot_helper.figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for model_num, (model, model_snapshots) in enumerate(zip(models, snapshots)): # Set the x-axis values to be the centre of the bins. bin_widths = model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][1::] - model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][0:-1] bin_middles = model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][:-1] + bin_widths # The MF is normalized by the simulation volume which is in Mpc/h. normalization_factor = model._volume / pow(model.hubble_h, 3) * bin_widths # Colour will be used for the snapshot, linestyle for the model. ls = plot_helper.linestyles[model_num] label = model.label for snapshot_num, snapshot in enumerate(model_snapshots): color = plot_helper.colors[snapshot_num] ax.plot( bin_middles,[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["BMF"] / normalization_factor, color=color, ls=ls, label=f"{label} - z = {model._redshifts[snapshot]:.2f} - All", ) # For scaling the observational data, we use the values of the zeroth # model. zeroth_hubble_h = models[0].hubble_h zeroth_IMF = models[0].IMF ax = obs.plot_bmf_data(ax, zeroth_hubble_h, zeroth_IMF) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\log_{10}\ M_{\mathrm{bar}}\ (M_{\odot})$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\phi\ (\mathrm{Mpc}^{-3}\ \mathrm{dex}^{-1})$") ax.set_yscale("log", nonpositive="clip") ax.set_xlim([7.8, 12.2]) ax.set_ylim([1.0e-6, 1.0e-1]) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.1)) plot_helper.adjust_legend(ax, location="lower left", scatter_plot=0) fig.tight_layout() output_file = f"{plot_helper.output_path}2.BaryonicMassFunction.{plot_helper.output_format}" fig.savefig(output_file) print(f"Saved file to {output_file}") plt.close() return fig
[docs]def plot_GMF( models: List[Model], snapshots: List[List[int]], plot_helper: PlotHelper, ) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure: """ Plots the gas mass function for the specified models. This is the mass function for the cold gas. Parameters ---------- models : List of :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` class instance Models that will be plotted. These instances contain the properties necessary to create the plot, accessed via ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["property_name"]``. snapshots : nested list of ints The snapshots to be plotted for each :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` in ``models``. The length of the outer list **MUST** be equal to the length of ``models``. For each model, the gas mass function of all snapshots are plotted on the figure. plot_helper : :py:class:`~sage_analysis.plot_helper.PlotHelper` A helper class that contains attributes and methods to assist with plotting. In particular, the path where the plots will be saved and the output format. Refer to :doc:`../user/plot_helper` for more information on how to initialize this class and its use. Generates --------- The plot will be saved as "<output_path>3.GasMassFunction.<output_format>" """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=plot_helper.figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for model_num, (model, model_snapshots) in enumerate(zip(models, snapshots)): # Set the x-axis values to be the centre of the bins. bin_widths = model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][1::] - model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][0:-1] bin_middles = model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][:-1] + bin_widths # The GMF is normalized by the simulation volume which is in Mpc/h. normalization_factor = model._volume / pow(model.hubble_h, 3) * bin_widths # Colour will be used for the snapshot, linestyle for the model. ls = plot_helper.linestyles[model_num] label = model.label for snapshot_num, snapshot in enumerate(model_snapshots): color = plot_helper.colors[snapshot_num] ax.plot( bin_middles,[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["GMF"] / normalization_factor, color=color, ls=ls, label=f"{label} - z = {model._redshifts[snapshot]:.2f} - Cold Gas", ) # For scaling the observational data, we use the values of the zeroth # model. zeroth_hubble_h = models[0].hubble_h obs.plot_gmf_data(ax, zeroth_hubble_h) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\log_{10} M_{\mathrm{X}}\ (M_{\odot})$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\phi\ (\mathrm{Mpc}^{-3}\ \mathrm{dex}^{-1})$") ax.set_yscale("log", nonpositive="clip") # Find the models that have the smallest/largest stellar mass bin. ax.set_xlim([7.8, 12.2]) ax.set_ylim([1.0e-6, 1.0e-1]) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.1)) plot_helper.adjust_legend(ax, location="lower left", scatter_plot=0) fig.tight_layout() output_file = f"{plot_helper.output_path}3.GasMassFunction.{plot_helper.output_format}" fig.savefig(output_file) # Save the figure print(f"Saved file to {output_file}") plt.close() return fig
[docs]def plot_BTF( models: List[Model], snapshots: List[List[int]], plot_helper: PlotHelper, ) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure: """ Plots the baryonic Tully-Fisher relationship for the specified models. Parameters ---------- models : List of :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` class instance Models that will be plotted. These instances contain the properties necessary to create the plot, accessed via ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["property_name"]``. snapshots : nested list of ints The snapshots to be plotted for each :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` in ``models``. The length of the outer list **MUST** be equal to the length of ``models``. For each model, the baryonic Tully-Fisher relationship of all snapshots are plotted on the figure. plot_helper : :py:class:`~sage_analysis.plot_helper.PlotHelper` A helper class that contains attributes and methods to assist with plotting. In particular, the path where the plots will be saved and the output format. Refer to :doc:`../user/plot_helper` for more information on how to initialize this class and its use. Generates --------- The plot will be saved as "<output_path>4.BaryonicTullyFisher.<output_format>" """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=plot_helper.figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Go through each of the models and plot. for model_num, (model, model_snapshots) in enumerate(zip(models, snapshots)): # Colour will be used for the model, marker style for the snapshot. color = plot_helper.colors[model_num] label = model.label for snapshot_num, snapshot in enumerate(model_snapshots): marker = plot_helper.markers[snapshot_num] ax.scatter([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["BTF_vel"],[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["BTF_mass"], marker=marker, s=5, color=color, alpha=0.8, label=f"{label} - z = {model._redshifts[snapshot]:.2f} - Sb/c galaxies", ) ax.set_xlim([1.4, 2.6]) ax.set_ylim([8.0, 12.0]) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.05)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.25)) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\log_{10}V_{max}\ (km/s)$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\log_{10}\ M_{\mathrm{bar}}\ (M_{\odot})$") ax = obs.plot_btf_data(ax) plot_helper.adjust_legend(ax, location="upper left", scatter_plot=1) fig.tight_layout() output_file = f"{plot_helper.output_path}4.BaryonicTullyFisher.{plot_helper.output_format}" fig.savefig(output_file) print(f"Saved file to {output_file}") plt.close() return fig
[docs]def plot_sSFR( models: List[Model], snapshots: List[List[int]], plot_helper: PlotHelper, ) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure: """ Plots the specific star formation rate as a function of stellar mass for the specified models. Parameters ---------- models : List of :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` class instance Models that will be plotted. These instances contain the properties necessary to create the plot, accessed via ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["property_name"]``. snapshots : nested list of ints The snapshots to be plotted for each :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` in ``models``. The length of the outer list **MUST** be equal to the length of ``models``. For each model, the specific star formation rate of all snapshots are plotted on the figure. plot_helper : :py:class:`~sage_analysis.plot_helper.PlotHelper` A helper class that contains attributes and methods to assist with plotting. In particular, the path where the plots will be saved and the output format. Refer to :doc:`../user/plot_helper` for more information on how to initialize this class and its use. Generates --------- The plot will be saved as "<output_path>5.SpecificStarFormationRate.<output_format>" """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=plot_helper.figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Go through each of the models and plot. for model_num, (model, model_snapshots) in enumerate(zip(models, snapshots)): # Colour will be used for the model, marker style for the snapshot. color = plot_helper.colors[model_num] label = model.label for snapshot_num, snapshot in enumerate(model_snapshots): marker = plot_helper.markers[snapshot_num] ax.scatter([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["sSFR_mass"],[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["sSFR_sSFR"], marker=marker, s=5, color=color, alpha=0.8, label=f"{label} - z = {model._redshifts[snapshot]:.2f}", ) # Overplot a dividing line between passive and SF galaxies. w = np.arange(7.0, 13.0, 1.0) min_sSFRcut = np.min([model._sSFRcut for model in models]) ax.plot(w, w/w*min_sSFRcut, "b:", lw=2.0) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\log_{10} M_{\mathrm{stars}}\ (M_{\odot})$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\log_{10}\ s\mathrm{SFR}\ (\mathrm{yr^{-1}})$") ax.set_xlim([8.0, 12.0]) ax.set_ylim([-16.0, -8.0]) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.05)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.25)) plot_helper.adjust_legend(ax, scatter_plot=1) fig.tight_layout() output_file = f"{plot_helper.output_path}5.SpecificStarFormationRate.{plot_helper.output_format}" fig.savefig(output_file) print(f"Saved file to {output_file}") plt.close() return fig
[docs]def plot_gas_fraction( models: List[Model], snapshots: List[List[int]], plot_helper: PlotHelper, ) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure: """ Plots the fraction of baryons that are in the cold gas reservoir as a function of stellar mass for the specified models. Parameters ---------- models : List of :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` class instance Models that will be plotted. These instances contain the properties necessary to create the plot, accessed via ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["property_name"]``. snapshots : nested list of ints The snapshots to be plotted for each :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` in ``models``. The length of the outer list **MUST** be equal to the length of ``models``. For each model, the gas fraction of all snapshots are plotted on the figure. plot_helper : :py:class:`~sage_analysis.plot_helper.PlotHelper` A helper class that contains attributes and methods to assist with plotting. In particular, the path where the plots will be saved and the output format. Refer to :doc:`../user/plot_helper` for more information on how to initialize this class and its use. Generates --------- The plot will be saved as "<output_path>6.GasFraction.<output_format>" """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=plot_helper.figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Go through each of the models and plot. for model_num, (model, model_snapshots) in enumerate(zip(models, snapshots)): # Colour will be used for the model, marker style for the snapshot. color = plot_helper.colors[model_num] label = model.label for snapshot_num, snapshot in enumerate(model_snapshots): marker = plot_helper.markers[snapshot_num] ax.scatter([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["gas_frac_mass"],[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["gas_frac"], marker=marker, s=20, color=color, alpha=0.5, label=f"{label} - z = {model._redshifts[snapshot]:.2f} - Sb/c galaxies", ) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\log_{10} M_{\mathrm{stars}}\ (M_{\odot})$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{Cold\ Mass\ /\ (Cold+Stellar\ Mass)}$") ax.set_xlim([7.8, 12.2]) ax.set_ylim([0.0, 1.0]) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.05)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.25)) plot_helper.adjust_legend(ax, scatter_plot=1) fig.tight_layout() output_file = f"{plot_helper.output_path}6.GasFraction.{plot_helper.output_format}" fig.savefig(output_file) print(f"Saved file to {output_file}") plt.close() return fig
[docs]def plot_metallicity( models: List[Model], snapshots: List[List[int]], plot_helper: PlotHelper, ) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure: """ Plots the metallicity as a function of stellar mass for the speicifed models. Parameters ---------- models : List of :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` class instance Models that will be plotted. These instances contain the properties necessary to create the plot, accessed via ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["property_name"]``. snapshots : nested list of ints The snapshots to be plotted for each :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` in ``models``. The length of the outer list **MUST** be equal to the length of ``models``. For each model, the metallicity of all snapshots are plotted on the figure. plot_helper : :py:class:`~sage_analysis.plot_helper.PlotHelper` A helper class that contains attributes and methods to assist with plotting. In particular, the path where the plots will be saved and the output format. Refer to :doc:`../user/plot_helper` for more information on how to initialize this class and its use. Generates --------- The plot will be saved as "<output_path>7.Metallicity.<output_format>" """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=plot_helper.figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Go through each of the models and plot. for model_num, (model, model_snapshots) in enumerate(zip(models, snapshots)): # Colour will be used for the model, marker style for the snapshot. color = plot_helper.colors[model_num] label = model.label for snapshot_num, snapshot in enumerate(model_snapshots): marker = plot_helper.markers[snapshot_num] ax.scatter([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["metallicity_mass"],[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["metallicity"], marker=marker, s=5, color=color, alpha=0.8, label=f"{label} - z = {model._redshifts[snapshot]:.2f}", ) # Use the IMF of the zeroth model to scale the observational results. zeroth_IMF = models[0].IMF ax = obs.plot_metallicity_data(ax, zeroth_IMF) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\log_{10} M_{\mathrm{stars}}\ (M_{\odot})$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$12\ +\ \log_{10}[\mathrm{O/H}]$") ax.set_xlim([7.8, 12.2]) ax.set_ylim([8.0, 9.5]) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.05)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.25)) # Since we're doing a scatter plot, we need to resize the legend points. plot_helper.adjust_legend(ax, location="upper right", scatter_plot=1) fig.tight_layout() output_file = f"{plot_helper.output_path}7.Metallicity.{plot_helper.output_format}" fig.savefig(output_file) print(f"Saved file to {output_file}") plt.close() return fig
[docs]def plot_bh_bulge( models: List[Model], snapshots: List[List[int]], plot_helper: PlotHelper, ) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure: """ Plots the black-hole bulge relationship for the specified models. Parameters ---------- models : List of :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` class instance Models that will be plotted. These instances contain the properties necessary to create the plot, accessed via ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["property_name"]``. snapshots : nested list of ints The snapshots to be plotted for each :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` in ``models``. The length of the outer list **MUST** be equal to the length of ``models``. For each model, the black hole bulge relationship of all snapshots are plotted on the figure. plot_helper : :py:class:`~sage_analysis.plot_helper.PlotHelper` A helper class that contains attributes and methods to assist with plotting. In particular, the path where the plots will be saved and the output format. Refer to :doc:`../user/plot_helper` for more information on how to initialize this class and its use. Generates --------- The plot will be saved as "<output_path>8.BlackHoleBulgeRelationship.<output_format>" """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=plot_helper.figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Go through each of the models and plot. for model_num, (model, model_snapshots) in enumerate(zip(models, snapshots)): # Colour will be used for the model, marker style for the snapshot. color = plot_helper.colors[model_num] label = model.label for snapshot_num, snapshot in enumerate(model_snapshots): marker = plot_helper.markers[snapshot_num] ax.scatter([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["bulge_mass"],[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["bh_mass"], marker=marker, s=5, color=color, alpha=0.8, label=f"{label} - z = {model._redshifts[snapshot]:.2f}", ) ax = obs.plot_bh_bulge_data(ax) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\log\ M_{\mathrm{bulge}}\ (M_{\odot})$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\log\ M_{\mathrm{BH}}\ (M_{\odot})$") ax.set_xlim([7.8, 12.2]) ax.set_ylim([6.0, 10.0]) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.05)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.25)) plot_helper.adjust_legend(ax, location="upper right", scatter_plot=1) fig.tight_layout() output_file = f"{plot_helper.output_path}8.BlackHoleBulgeRelationship.{plot_helper.output_format}" fig.savefig(output_file) print(f"Saved file to {output_file}") plt.close() return fig
[docs]def plot_quiescent( models: List[Model], snapshots: List[List[int]], plot_helper: PlotHelper, plot_sub_populations: bool = False ) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure: """ Plots the fraction of galaxies that are quiescent as a function of stellar mass for the specified models. The quiescent cut is defined by :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.model.Model.sSFRcut`. Parameters ---------- models : List of :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` class instance Models that will be plotted. These instances contain the properties necessary to create the plot, accessed via ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["property_name"]``. snapshots : nested list of ints The snapshots to be plotted for each :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` in ``models``. The length of the outer list **MUST** be equal to the length of ``models``. For each model, the quiescent fraction of all snapshots are plotted on the figure. plot_helper : :py:class:`~sage_analysis.plot_helper.PlotHelper` A helper class that contains attributes and methods to assist with plotting. In particular, the path where the plots will be saved and the output format. Refer to :doc:`../user/plot_helper` for more information on how to initialize this class and its use. plot_sub_populations : Boolean, default False If ``True``, plots the centrals and satellite sub-populations. Generates --------- The plot will be saved as "<output_path>9.QuiescentFraction.<output_format>" """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=plot_helper.figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Go through each of the models and plot. for model_num, (model, model_snapshots) in enumerate(zip(models, snapshots)): # Set the x-axis values to be the centre of the bins. bin_widths = model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][1::] - model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][0:-1] bin_middles = model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][:-1] + bin_widths # Colour will be used for the snapshot, linestyle for the model. ls = plot_helper.linestyles[model_num] label = model.label for snapshot_num, snapshot in enumerate(model_snapshots): color = plot_helper.colors[snapshot_num] non_zero_SMF = np.where([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["SMF"] > 0) quiescent_fraction =[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["quiescent_galaxy_counts"][non_zero_SMF] / \[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["SMF"][non_zero_SMF] ax.plot( bin_middles[non_zero_SMF], quiescent_fraction, color=color, ls=ls, label=f"{label} - z = {model._redshifts[snapshot]:.2f} - All", ) # Be careful to not overcrowd the plot. if plot_sub_populations: non_zero_MF = np.where([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["centrals_MF"])[0] quiescent_central_fraction = \[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["quiescent_centrals_counts"][non_zero_MF] / \[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["centrals_MF"][non_zero_MF] ax.plot( bin_middles[non_zero_MF], quiescent_central_fraction, color=color, linestyle="--", ) non_zero_MF = np.where([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["satellites_MF"])[0] quiescent_sat_fraction = \[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["quiescent_satellites_counts"][non_zero_MF] / \[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["satellites_MF"][non_zero_MF] ax.plot( bin_middles[non_zero_MF], quiescent_sat_fraction, color=color, linestyle="-.", label=f"{label} - z = {model._redshifts[snapshot]:.2f} - Satellites", ) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\log_{10} M_{\mathrm{stellar}}\ (M_{\odot})$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{Quescient\ Fraction}$") ax.set_xlim([7.8, 12.2]) ax.set_ylim([0.0, 1.05]) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.25)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.10)) plot_helper.adjust_legend(ax, location="upper left", scatter_plot=0) fig.tight_layout() output_file = f"{plot_helper.output_path}9.QuiescentFraction.{plot_helper.output_format}" fig.savefig(output_file) print(f"Saved file to {output_file}") plt.close() return fig
[docs]def plot_bulge_fraction( models: List[Model], snapshots: List[List[int]], plot_helper: PlotHelper, plot_disk_fraction: bool = False, plot_var: bool = False ) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure: """ Plots the fraction of the stellar mass that is located in the bulge/disk as a function of stellar mass for the specified models. Parameters ---------- models : List of ``Model`` class instance Models that will be plotted. These instances contain the properties necessary to create the plot, accessed via ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["property_name"]``. snapshots : nested list of ints The snapshots to be plotted for each :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` in ``models``. The length of the outer list **MUST** be equal to the length of ``models``. For each model, the bulge fraction of all snapshots are plotted on the figure. plot_helper : :py:class:`~sage_analysis.plot_helper.PlotHelper` A helper class that contains attributes and methods to assist with plotting. In particular, the path where the plots will be saved and the output format. Refer to :doc:`../user/plot_helper` for more information on how to initialize this class and its use. plot_disk_fraction : bool, optional If specified, will also plot the disk fraction. plot_var : Boolean, default False If ``True``, plots the variance as shaded regions. Generates --------- The plot will be saved as :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.plot_helper.PlotHelper.output_path`10.BulgeMassFraction. :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.plot_helper.PlotHelper.output_format`. """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=plot_helper.figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Go through each of the models and plot. for model_num, (model, model_snapshots) in enumerate(zip(models, snapshots)): # Set the x-axis values to be the centre of the bins. bin_widths = model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][1::] - model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][0:-1] bin_middles = model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][:-1] + bin_widths # Colour will be used for the snapshot, linestyle for the model. ls = plot_helper.linestyles[model_num] label = model.label for snapshot_num, snapshot in enumerate(model_snapshots): color = plot_helper.colors[snapshot_num] # Remember we need to average the properties in each bin. non_zero_SMF = np.where([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["SMF"] > 0) bulge_mean =[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["fraction_bulge_sum"][non_zero_SMF] / \[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["SMF"][non_zero_SMF] disk_mean =[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["fraction_disk_sum"][non_zero_SMF] / \[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["SMF"][non_zero_SMF] # The variance has already been weighted when we calculated it. bulge_var =[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["fraction_bulge_var"][non_zero_SMF] disk_var =[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["fraction_disk_var"][non_zero_SMF] ax.plot( bin_middles[non_zero_SMF], bulge_mean, color=color, ls=ls, label=f"{label} - z = {model._redshifts[snapshot]:.2f} - Bulge", ) if plot_disk_fraction: ax.plot( bin_middles, disk_mean, color=color, ls=plot_helper.linestyles[model_num+1], label=f"{label} - z = {model._redshifts[snapshot]:.2f} - Disk", ) if plot_var: ax.fill_between( bin_middles, bulge_mean+bulge_var, bulge_mean-bulge_var, facecolor=color, alpha=0.25 ) if plot_disk_fraction: ax.fill_between( bin_middles, disk_mean+disk_var, disk_mean-disk_var, facecolor=color, alpha=0.25 ) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\log_{10} M_{\mathrm{stars}}\ (M_{\odot})$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{Stellar\ Mass\ Fraction}$") ax.set_xlim([7.8, 12.2]) ax.set_ylim([0.0, 1.05]) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.25)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.10)) plot_helper.adjust_legend(ax, location="upper left", scatter_plot=0) fig.tight_layout() output_file = f"{plot_helper.output_path}10.BulgeMassFraction.{plot_helper.output_format}" fig.savefig(output_file) print(f"Saved file to {output_file}") plt.close() return fig
[docs]def plot_baryon_fraction( models: List[Model], snapshots: List[List[int]], plot_helper: PlotHelper, plot_sub_populations: bool = False ) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure: """ Plots the total baryon fraction as afunction of halo mass for the specified models. Parameters ---------- models : List of :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` class instance Models that will be plotted. These instances contain the properties necessary to create the plot, accessed via ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["property_name"]``. snapshots : nested list of ints The snapshots to be plotted for each :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` in ``models``. The length of the outer list **MUST** be equal to the length of ``models``. For each model, the baryon fraction of all snapshots are plotted on the figure. plot_helper : :py:class:`~sage_analysis.plot_helper.PlotHelper` A helper class that contains attributes and methods to assist with plotting. In particular, the path where the plots will be saved and the output format. Refer to :doc:`../user/plot_helper` for more information on how to initialize this class and its use. plot_sub_populations : Boolean, default False If ``True``, plots the baryon fraction for each reservoir. Otherwise, only plots the total baryon fraction. Generates --------- The plot will be saved as "<output_path>11.BaryonFraction.<output_format>" """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=plot_helper.figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Go through each of the models and plot. for model_num, (model, model_snapshots) in enumerate(zip(models, snapshots)): # Set the x-axis values to be the centre of the bins. bin_widths = model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][1::] - model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][0:-1] bin_middles = model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][:-1] + bin_widths # Colour will be used for the snapshot, linestyle for the model. ls = plot_helper.linestyles[model_num] label = model.label for snapshot_num, snapshot in enumerate(model_snapshots): color = plot_helper.colors[snapshot_num] # Remember we need to average the properties in each bin. non_zero_HMF = np.where([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["fof_HMF"] > 0) baryon_mean =[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["halo_baryon_fraction_sum"][non_zero_HMF] / \[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["fof_HMF"][non_zero_HMF] ax.plot( bin_middles[non_zero_HMF], baryon_mean, label=f"{label} - z = {model._redshifts[snapshot]:.2f} - Total", color=color, ls=ls, ) if plot_sub_populations: attrs = ["stars", "cold", "hot", "ejected", "ICS"] res_labels = ["Stars", "Cold", "Hot", "Ejected", "ICS"] res_colors = ["k", "b", "r", "g", "y"] for (attr, res_label, res_color) in zip(attrs, res_labels, res_colors): dict_key = "halo_{0}_fraction_sum".format(attr) mean =[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"][dict_key][non_zero_HMF] / \[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["fof_HMF"][non_zero_HMF] ax.plot( bin_middles[non_zero_HMF], mean, label=f"{label} - z = {model._redshifts[snapshot]:.2f} - {res_label}", color=res_color, ls=ls, ) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{Central}\ \log_{10} M_{\mathrm{vir}}\ (M_{\odot})$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{Baryon\ Fraction}$") ax.set_xlim([9.8, 14.2]) ax.set_ylim([0.0, 0.23]) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.25)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.05)) plot_helper.adjust_legend(ax, location="upper left", scatter_plot=0) output_file = f"{plot_helper.output_path}11.BaryonFraction.{plot_helper.output_format}" fig.savefig(output_file) print(f"Saved file to {output_file}") plt.close() return fig
[docs]def plot_reservoirs( models: List[Model], snapshots: List[List[int]], plot_helper: PlotHelper, ) -> List[matplotlib.figure.Figure]: """ Plots the mass in each reservoir as a function of halo mass for the specified models. Parameters ---------- models : List of :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` class instance Models that will be plotted. These instances contain the properties necessary to create the plot, accessed via ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["property_name"]``. snapshots : nested list of ints The snapshots to be plotted for each :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` in ``models``. The length of the outer list **MUST** be equal to the length of ``models``. For each model, each snapshot will be plotted and saved as a separate figure. plot_helper : :py:class:`~sage_analysis.plot_helper.PlotHelper` A helper class that contains attributes and methods to assist with plotting. In particular, the path where the plots will be saved and the output format. Refer to :doc:`../user/plot_helper` for more information on how to initialize this class and its use. Generates --------- A plot will be saved as ``"<output_path>12.MassReservoirs<model.label>.<output_format>"`` for each mode. """ # This scatter plot will be messy so we're going to make one for each model. figs = [] for model_num, (model, model_snapshots) in enumerate(zip(models, snapshots)): label = model.label marker = plot_helper.markers[model_num] # Furthermore, make one for each snapshot we requested. for snapshot_num, snapshot in enumerate(model_snapshots): fig = plt.figure(figsize=plot_helper.figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) attribute_names = ["stars", "cold", "hot", "ejected", "ICS"] res_labels = ["Stars", "ColdGas", "HotGas", "EjectedGas", "IntraclusterStars"] res_colors = ["k", "b", "r", "g", "y"] for (attribute_name, res_label, res_color) in zip(attribute_names, res_labels, res_colors): dict_key = f"reservoir_{attribute_name}" ax.scatter([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["reservoir_mvir"],[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"][dict_key], marker=marker, s=0.3, label=res_label, color=res_color, ) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\log\ M_{\mathrm{vir}}\ (M_{\odot})$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{Reservoir\ Mass\ (M_{\odot})}$") ax.set_xlim([9.8, 14.2]) ax.set_ylim([7.5, 12.5]) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.25)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.25)) plot_helper.adjust_legend(ax, location="upper left", scatter_plot=1) fig.tight_layout() output_file = f"{plot_helper.output_path}12.MassReservoirs_{label}_snapshot{snapshot}.{plot_helper.output_format}" fig.savefig(output_file) print(f"Saved file to {output_file}") plt.close() figs.append(fig) return figs
[docs]def plot_spatial( models: List[Model], snapshots: List[List[int]], plot_helper: PlotHelper, ) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure: """ Plots the spatial distribution of the galaxies for specified models. Parameters ---------- models : List of :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` class instance Models that will be plotted. These instances contain the properties necessary to create the plot, accessed via ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["property_name"]``. snapshots : nested list of ints The snapshots to be plotted for each :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` in ``models``. The length of the outer list **MUST** be equal to the length of ``models``. For each model, the spatial position of all snapshots are plotted on the figure. plot_helper : :py:class:`~sage_analysis.plot_helper.PlotHelper` A helper class that contains attributes and methods to assist with plotting. In particular, the path where the plots will be saved and the output format. Refer to :doc:`../user/plot_helper` for more information on how to initialize this class and its use. Generates --------- A plot will be saved as ``"<output_path>13.SpatialDistribution<model.label>.<output_format>"`` for each model. """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=plot_helper.figsize) # 4-panel plot. ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(222) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(223) ax4 = fig.add_subplot(224) # Go through each of the models and plot. for model_num, (model, model_snapshots) in enumerate(zip(models, snapshots)): # Colour will be used for the model, marker style for the snapshot. color = plot_helper.colors[model_num] label = model.label for snapshot_num, snapshot in enumerate(model_snapshots): marker = plot_helper.markers[snapshot_num] ax1.scatter([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["x_pos"],[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["y_pos"], marker=marker, s=0.3, color=color, alpha=0.5 ) ax2.scatter([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["x_pos"],[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["z_pos"], marker=marker, s=0.3, color=color, alpha=0.5 ) ax3.scatter([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["y_pos"],[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["z_pos"], marker=marker, s=0.3, color=color, alpha=0.5 ) # The bottom right panel will only contain the legend. # For some odd reason, plotting `np.nan` causes some legend entries to not # appear. Plot junk and we'll adjust the axis to not show it. ax4.scatter( -999, -999, marker=marker, color=color, label=f"{label} - z = {model._redshifts[snapshot]:.2f}", ) ax4.axis("off") ax1.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{x}\ [\mathrm{Mpc}/h]$") ax1.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{y}\ [\mathrm{Mpc}/h]$") ax2.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{x}\ [\mathrm{Mpc}/h]$") ax2.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{z}\ [\mathrm{Mpc}/h]$") ax3.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{y}\ [\mathrm{Mpc}/h]$") ax3.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{z}\ [\mathrm{Mpc}/h]$") # Find the model with the largest box. max_box = np.max([model.box_size for model in models]) buffer = max_box*0.05 for ax in [ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4]: ax.set_xlim([0.0-buffer, max_box+buffer]) ax.set_ylim([0.0-buffer, max_box+buffer]) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(5)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(5)) plot_helper.adjust_legend(ax4, location="upper left", scatter_plot=1) # Make sure everything remains nicely layed out. fig.tight_layout() output_file = f"{plot_helper.output_path}13.SpatialDistribution.{plot_helper.output_format}" fig.savefig(output_file) print(f"Saved file to {output_file}") plt.close() return fig
[docs]def plot_spatial_3d(pos, output_file, box_size) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure: """ Plots the 3D spatial distribution of galaxies. Parameters ========== pos : ``numpy`` 3D array with length equal to the number of galaxies The position (in Mpc/h) of the galaxies. output_file : String Name of the file the plot will be saved as. Returns ======= None. A plot will be saved as ``output_file``. """ from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # noqa: F401 from random import sample fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") # Generate a subsample if necessary. num_gals = len(pos) sample_size = 10000 if num_gals > sample_size: w = sample(list(np.arange(num_gals)), sample_size) else: w = np.arange(num_gals) ax.scatter(pos[w, 0], pos[w, 1], pos[w, 2], alpha=0.5) ax.set_xlim([0.0, box_size]) ax.set_ylim([0.0, box_size]) ax.set_zlim([0.0, box_size]) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathbf{x \: [h^{-1}Mpc]}$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathbf{y \: [h^{-1}Mpc]}$") ax.set_zlabel(r"$\mathbf{z \: [h^{-1}Mpc]}$") fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(output_file) print(f"Saved file to {output_file}") plt.close() return fig
[docs]def plot_SMF_history( models: List[Model], snapshots: List[List[int]], plot_helper: PlotHelper, ) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure: """ Plots the evolution of the stellar mass function for the specified models. This function loops over the value of ``model.SMF_snaps`` and plots and the SMFs at each snapshots. Parameters ---------- models : List of :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` class instance Models that will be plotted. These instances contain the properties necessary to create the plot, accessed via ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["property_name"]``. snapshots : nested list of ints This is a dummy variable that is present to ensure the signature is identical to the other plot functions. plot_helper : :py:class:`~sage_analysis.plot_helper.PlotHelper` A helper class that contains attributes and methods to assist with plotting. In particular, the path where the plots will be saved and the output format. Refer to :doc:`../user/plot_helper` for more information on how to initialize this class and its use. Generates --------- The plot will be saved as "<output_path>A.StellarMassFunction.<output_format>" """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=plot_helper.figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Go through each of the models and plot. for (model_num, model) in enumerate(models): ls = plot_helper.linestyles[model_num] # Set the x-axis values to be the centre of the bins. bin_widths = model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][1::] - model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][0:-1] bin_middles = model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"][:-1] + bin_widths # Iterate over the snapshots. for snap in model._history_SMF_history_snapshots: # Maybe there weren't any galaxies present for this snapshot. if np.isclose(np.sum([f"snapshot_{snap}"]["SMF_history"]), 0.0): continue label = f"{model.label} z = {model.redshifts[snap]:.3f}" # The SMF is normalized by the simulation volume which is in Mpc/h. ax.plot( bin_middles,[f"snapshot_{snap}"]["SMF_history"] / model._volume*pow(model.hubble_h, 3)/bin_widths, ls=ls, label=label ) # For scaling the observational data, we use the values of the zeroth model. zeroth_IMF = models[0].IMF ax = obs.plot_temporal_smf_data(ax, zeroth_IMF) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\log_{10} M_{\mathrm{stars}}\ (M_{\odot})$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\phi\ (\mathrm{Mpc}^{-3}\ \mathrm{dex}^{-1})$") ax.set_yscale("log", nonpositive="clip") ax.set_xlim([8.0, 12.0]) ax.set_ylim([1.0e-6, 1.0e-1]) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.1)) plot_helper.adjust_legend(ax, location="lower left", scatter_plot=0) fig.tight_layout() output_file = f"{plot_helper.output_path}A.StellarMassFunction.{plot_helper.output_format}" fig.savefig(output_file) print(f"Saved file to {output_file}") plt.close() return fig
[docs]def plot_SFRD_history( models: List[Model], snapshots: List[List[int]], plot_helper: PlotHelper, ) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure: """ Plots the evolution of star formation rate density for the specified models. Parameters ---------- models : List of :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` class instance Models that will be plotted. These instances contain the properties necessary to create the plot, accessed via ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["property_name"]``. snapshots : nested list of ints This is a dummy variable that is present to ensure the signature is identical to the other plot functions. plot_helper : :py:class:`~sage_analysis.plot_helper.PlotHelper` A helper class that contains attributes and methods to assist with plotting. In particular, the path where the plots will be saved and the output format. Refer to :doc:`../user/plot_helper` for more information on how to initialize this class and its use. Generates --------- The plot will be saved as "<output_path>B.SFRDensity.<output_format>" """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=plot_helper.figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for (model_num, model) in enumerate(models): label = model.label color = plot_helper.colors[model_num] linestyle = plot_helper.linestyles[model_num] marker = plot_helper.markers[model_num] SFRD = np.array( [[f"snapshot_{snap}"]["SFRD_history"] for snap in model._history_SFRD_history_snapshots] ) redshifts = model._history_SFRD_history_redshifts # All snapshots are initialized with zero values for "SFRD_history". We only want to plot those non-zero # values. non_zero_inds = np.where(SFRD > 0.0)[0] # Only use a line if we have enough snapshots to plot. if len(non_zero_inds) > 20: ax.plot( redshifts[non_zero_inds], np.log10(SFRD[non_zero_inds] / model._volume*pow(model.hubble_h, 3)), label=label, color=color, ls=linestyle ) else: ax.scatter( redshifts[non_zero_inds], np.log10(SFRD[non_zero_inds] / model._volume*pow(model.hubble_h, 3)), label=label, color=color, marker=marker, ) ax = obs.plot_sfrd_data(ax) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{redshift}$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\log_{10} \mathrm{SFR\ density}\ (M_{\odot}\ \mathrm{yr}^{-1}\ \mathrm{Mpc}^{-3})$") ax.set_xlim([0.0, 8.0]) ax.set_ylim([-3.0, -0.4]) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.5)) plot_helper.adjust_legend(ax, location="lower left", scatter_plot=0) fig.tight_layout() output_file = f"{plot_helper.output_path}B.SFRDensity.{plot_helper.output_format}" fig.savefig(output_file) print(f"Saved file to {output_file}") plt.close() return fig
[docs]def plot_SMD_history( models: List[Model], snapshots: List[List[int]], plot_helper: PlotHelper, ) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure: """ Plots the evolution of stellar mass density for the specified models. Parameters ---------- models : List of :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` class instance Models that will be plotted. These instances contain the properties necessary to create the plot, accessed via ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["property_name"]``. snapshots : nested list of ints This is a dummy variable that is present to ensure the signature is identical to the other plot functions. plot_helper : :py:class:`~sage_analysis.plot_helper.PlotHelper` A helper class that contains attributes and methods to assist with plotting. In particular, the path where the plots will be saved and the output format. Refer to :doc:`../user/plot_helper` for more information on how to initialize this class and its use. Generates --------- The plot will be saved as "<output_path>C.StellarMassDensity.<output_format>" """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=plot_helper.figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for (model_num, model) in enumerate(models): label = model.label color = plot_helper.colors[model_num] linestyle = plot_helper.linestyles[model_num] marker = plot_helper.markers[model_num] SMD = np.array( [[f"snapshot_{snap}"]["SMD_history"] for snap in model._history_SMD_history_snapshots] ) redshifts = model._history_SMD_history_redshifts # All snapshots are initialized with zero values for "SMD_history". We only want to plot those non-zero # values. non_zero_inds = np.where(SMD > 0.0)[0] # Only use a line if we have enough snapshots to plot. if len(non_zero_inds) > 20: ax.plot( redshifts[non_zero_inds], np.log10(SMD[non_zero_inds] / model._volume*pow(model.hubble_h, 3)), label=label, color=color, ls=linestyle ) else: ax.scatter( redshifts[non_zero_inds], np.log10(SMD[non_zero_inds] / model._volume*pow(model.hubble_h, 3)), label=label, color=color, marker=marker, ) # For scaling the observational data, we use the values of the zeroth # model. zeroth_IMF = models[0].IMF ax = obs.plot_smd_data(ax, zeroth_IMF) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{redshift}$") ax.set_ylabel(r'$\log_{10}\ \phi\ (M_{\odot}\ \mathrm{Mpc}^{-3})$') ax.set_xlim([0.0, 4.2]) ax.set_ylim([6.5, 9.0]) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.5)) plot_helper.adjust_legend(ax, location="lower left", scatter_plot=0) fig.tight_layout() output_file = f"{plot_helper.output_path}C.StellarMassDensity.{plot_helper.output_format}" fig.savefig(output_file) print(f"Saved file to {output_file}") plt.close() return fig